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Club media italie fête ses 20 ans

ClubMediaItalie celebrates its 20th anniversary in Rome

The conference organised by the European journalism association ClubMediaItalie to mark its 20th anniversary will be held on 12 April at the national headquarters of the Italian National Press Federation. The programme, which is particularly rich, includes a number of speeches by fellow journalists and members of the association.

Stella Emolo

Stella Emolo

FR EN IT Stella EMOLO Born in 1983 in Naples, I began my career in journalism during my high school years, contributing to the editorial team of the student newspaper. My passion for journalism then led me to write for… Read More »Stella Emolo

Annalisa Cappellini

Annalisa Cappellini

FR EN IT Annalisa CAPPELLINI Born and raised in Parma, Italy, and sincerely european, Annalisa Cappellini lives in Paris since 2014.She spent years in hard news journalism and she is now working for french business broadcast BFM Business. She also… Read More »Annalisa Cappellini

Roberta Alberotanza

Roberta Alberotanza

FR EN IT Roberta Alberotanza Roberta Alberotanza holds several bachelor’s and master’s degrees in literature, librarianship and institutional communications, and has had a rich career working for various European, UN and Italian cultural institutions.  (06/2021) Member of the Task Force… Read More »Roberta Alberotanza

Libye, anatomie d’un crime

C’est l’histoire d’un film qui n’aurait pas dû exister. Depuis la chute de Khadafi, le dictateur du désert, la Libye est une poudrière. Plus d’Etat. Deux gouvernements. Des ministres qui siègent un pistolet sur la tempe. Des centaines de milices armées qui kidnappent, rançonnent, torturent.Et violent. Sur cette terre sans loi, ceux qui osent parler du viol disparaissent ou sont condamnés à l’exil.

www.chiesa, a case study

 par Sandro Magister In the field of information on matters of religion many now consider the website “www.chiesa” a case study. It was born on the web platform of the L’Espresso conglomerate in the late 1990’s, when online religious information… Read More »www.chiesa, a case study