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Rita Del Prete

Rital Del Prete

FR EN IT Rital Del Prete Works at Euronews since 1994. Euronews covers world news 24/7 in 13 languages. Producer in Italy from 1991 to 1994 for the daily in-depth program RAI-TG2 and writing and broadcasting news for Italian Radio Dimensione Suono.  Has a… Read More »Rital Del Prete

Fransceco Rapazzini

Francesco Rapazzini

FR EN IT Fransceco Rapazzini Born in Milan on february the 11th 1961. Professional journalist since 1992, he lives in Paris since 1995. Correspondent free-lance, he works for the italian paper press (Bell’Europa, Charta) and for the italian radio (Agenzia AreaNews, Radio… Read More »Francesco Rapazzini

Paola Cairo

Paola Cairo

FR EN IT Paola Cairo Paola CAIRO was born to a Calabrian father and a Roman mother, and has been living in Rome ever since. After graduating in Classics, she enrolled at Rome’s LUMSA University (Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta),… Read More »Paola Cairo

Roberta Lombardo Hurstel

Roberta Lombardo Hurstel

FR EN IT Roberta Lombardo Hurstel Sharing her life between Paris, Strasbourg and Venice, Roberta Lombardo Hurstel is passionate about Art. After a key period as head of the press department of the Venice City Council’s Department of Cultural Affairs,… Read More »Roberta Lombardo Hurstel

Maria Grazia Galati, membre de Club Media Italie

Maria Grazia Galati

FR EN IT Maria Grazia Galati Maria Grazia Galati was born in Milan in 1967.  She has been a journalist in current affairs since 1995.  Educated in languages and tourism Maria Grazia has worked for eight years for Gente Viaggi… Read More »Maria Grazia Galati

Maria Bologna, membre de Club Media Italie

Maria Bologna

FR EN IT Maria Bologna She also works with no- profit associations, and last year she created and directed the monthly magazine called HIGH Standard Mag. In 2012 she founded a daily indipendent website agency called AMP Monaco ( to share… Read More »Maria Bologna